Arboriculture | Biomass | Forestry
New Number Tel:07487 634092
Monday - Friday 8.00 - 5.30
Ash Dieback
Chalara ash dieback is a highly destructive disease of ash trees (Fraxinus species), especially the United Kingdom's native ash species, common ash (Fraxinus excelsior). It is caused by a fungus named Hymenoscyphus fraxineus (H. fraxineus), which is of eastern Asian origin.
The disease is also known as 'chalara', ash dieback, and chalara dieback of ash. Calling it 'chalara' ash dieback helps to distinguish it from dieback on ash trees caused by other agents. Read more

Dealing with trees infected with Ash Dieback.
One of the problems faced when dealing with infected trees is that in advanced stages they become very brittle. This has already caused some serious accidents affecting both contractors and passers by.
General opinion is that a risk assessment based plan should be adopted.
Trees that are growing adjacent to high target areas should be prioritised and ideally, removed before the disease becomes too advanced. These are likely to involve areas such as highways, schools and anywhere where there is high public access.
Where trees are growing in places with limited access for removal using machinery early diagnosis is especially important. It may be that when the tree in is advanced stages it will be too dangerous to climb using conventional arboricultural techniques. This can lead to significant problems and be potentially expensive for the tree owner.
Specialist removal
Using techniques we have developed over many years we can offer specialised removal of infected trees. We were the first company to import chainsaw based tree shear equipment for the attachment to high reach excavators and rotor-telehandlers. We can assist clients from identification and diagnosis through to eventual removal. This can include:
Conventional removal
Mechanised removal using excavator and telehandler based equipment
Crane removal.
Bulk removal of arisings
Provision of traffic management
Application for permits and licences

Areas covered
We are based in Buntingford and cover the following areas:
East Anglia